
In my OK Cupid profile I claim that my smile is the first thing people notice about me. It seemed both attractive and reasonable. The pretty Colombian girl who serves my coffee in the morning likes it.

It's nice being greeted by a smile and my name, 'Good Morning, Christopher,' in a heavy equatorial accent. It's nice being told that somebody likes your smile. One of my clients says she does too. Also a Colombian, but with a heavy Queens accent. She's old school, very smart but also very sexy, sexy in a coming up in the seventies and eighties, when women were expected to be sex objects in the office so the successful ones owned it kind of way, owned it and never just gave it away. She's a 'difficult' woman, one of my favorite people.


M said...

I thought I was the only one in this city who called you Christopher.

Chris said...

Not the only one, but the only one that matters.