

I've never been accused of being an overly sentimental man. Indeed, cute is not a word I throw around, and I am wont to be heard offering ahhhhs or other pregnent sighs. Nevertheless, there are times when some instance of suffering or pain penetrates my Stoic armor and strikes my inner sentimentalist. Such was the case when, about a two months ago, I emerged from a local cafe, coffee in hand, change jingling in my pocket, and was confronted by a distressed woman. She was crying. She was pushing a stroller. She asked for a penny. Now, generally when I find myself in such a situation I politely nod, offer a grimace/smile, and continue on my way. But this woman was bawling. She was fucking despondent. So I reached into my pockets, I reached deep, and with much ceremony offered her all I had. Something like 22 cents. Regardless, I cared, and I felt like maybe my caring would be the event that would turn her life around. Maybe her baby wouldn't die. Maybe she would recover from cancer. Maybe now she could bail her baby's daddy out of jail, where he is doing time for stealing formula. My inner sentimentalist smiled.
But then last weekend I'm walking out of work and I run smack dab into a crying woman, so upset she couldn't hardly get her words out, tears soaking the top of the stroller she was pushing, and asking only for a penny. WHAT THE FUCK!? Of course, it's the same woman. And I look closer and there's not even a goddamn baby in the stroller. I brusquely walk past. I'm upset. I mean, I understand having to have a schtick, but to play on the sympathies some people have for women and babies? Is this going to far? And to call into question my own self-righteousness. Now this is an offense beyond pardon. I declare here and now - No more change from my pockets into the hands of women or babies. My sentimentality is broke.

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