For several years I kept fish tanks. I would tend to them at the homes of customers of The Pet Barn, the pet shop I managed with my girlfriend. In our small, second-story apartment, I maintained a striking 110=gallon saltwater reef tank, stocked with over 100 pounds of live Fiji rock, a deliberate combination of fish and coral, and a complimentary selection of shrimp, crab, snails, etc. Being an employee of the Pet Barn entitled me to certain advantages, so I was able to acquire, along with the best filters, lights, protein skimmers and other mechanical necessities, the healthiest, most beautiful captive-bred fish and corals. Every morning before school or work, I would spend up to an hour feeding, checking the water quality, and temperature, scraping algae, studying. Every morning and every evening I was up to my elbows, actively engaged with a living and breathing organism. It was stunning, and something I took pride in. It was something I had a meaningful relationship with...I loved those fucking fish.
Tending to the fish calmed me. Like any other form of gardening, it gave my limbs the opportunity to work out the stresses of the day. I don't have any fish anymore, and my limbs are suffocating! This is why I fucking hate T.V.
I do like Televsion, however.
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