Just the one that happened to sit down next to me on the bench in Union Square this afternoon. Long story short - I know this beauty was Brazilian because of the not-quite-stable gentleman who approached her for a cigarette. Taking the fact that she obliged in giving him one of her smokes while refusing the offered payment of a dollar as an invitation to conversation, this man inquired into her ethnicity. "I'm from Brazil," she replied; to which he enthusiastically responded, "I'm Indian, racially, but I'm from Guyana!" The seemingly practiced blank look that washed over this lovely South American's face indicated that either A) she wasn't interested in conversating with this strange man, or B) she had no idea where or what Guyana was. "Guyana!" the man repeated. Blank. Nothing. "Guyana. It's near Brazil." Traces of doubt creeping into his voice. "I have no idea what you're talking about," replies this comely young thing. "Oh, well I guess I'm stupid. I'm crazy," mutters the man as he turns, shaking his head, and walks away. I hear him mutter under his breath as he departs: "I'm stupid? Bitch."
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